BTS of operating Aesthetic Portraits.

Hello, lovely readers!

As much as I love capturing beautiful moments with my clients, a significant part of my work happens behind the scenes. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain to show you what goes into running Aesthetic Portraits when I’m not behind the camera.

From brainstorming new ideas to editing masterpieces, here’s a glimpse into my creative process. Sometimes, this admin work can vary, but this is a general breakdown of a typical admin day.

Morning Routine: Setting the Stage for Creativity 

Mornings are when I lay the groundwork for a productive day. It’s all about organization and inspiration. 

7:00 AM - Early Bird Gets the Worm 

  • Starting the day with a cup of coffee and some quiet time. 

  • Skimming through photography blogs and social media for inspiration. 

  • Making a to-do list to prioritize tasks for the day.

8:00 AM - Office Prep 

  • Clearing my workspace to maintain a clutter-free environment. 

  • Reviewing my calendar and setting reminders for upcoming shoots and meetings. 

Content Creation and Planning: Keeping Ideas Fresh 

A big part of my job involves planning future shoots and creating engaging content for my audience. 

9:00 AM - Brainstorming Session 

  • Jotting down ideas for blog posts, social media content, and themed shoots. 

  • Researching the latest trends in portrait photography. 

  • Planning mood boards and shot lists for upcoming projects. 

10:00 AM - Social Media Strategy 

  • Crafting posts for Instagram, Facebook, and my blog. 

  • Scheduling posts using social media management tools. 

  • Engaging with my audience by responding to comments and messages. 

Midday Tasks: Admin Work and Networking 

Running a photography business means wearing many hats. Midday is perfect for handling administrative tasks and networking. 

11:00 AM - Client Correspondence 

  • Responding to emails and inquiries from potential clients. 

  • Sending out session confirmations and prepping contracts. 

  • Touching base with current clients to update them on their photo progress. 

12:00 PM - Networking and Collaboration 

  • Reaching out to local businesses and creatives for potential collaborations. 

  • Attending virtual networking events and photography webinars. 

  • Engaging with fellow photographers in online communities. 

Afternoon Focus: Editing and Education 

The afternoon is dedicated to honing my skills and perfecting the photos I’ve taken. 

1:00 PM - Editing Marathon 

  • Diving into Lightroom and Photoshop to edit client photos. 

  • Focusing on color correction, retouching, and creative enhancements. 

  • Taking breaks to avoid eye strain and maintain a fresh perspective. 

3:00 PM - Continuous Learning 

  • Watching tutorials and taking online courses to learn new techniques. 

  • Experimenting with new editing styles and tools. 

  • Reading photography books and articles to stay updated on industry trends. 

Evening Wrap-Up: Reflecting and Planning 

Evenings are for winding down, reflecting on the day, and prepping for tomorrow. 

5:00 PM - Review and Reflect 

  • Reviewing the day’s accomplishments and updating my to-do list. 

  • Reflecting on what worked well and what could be improved. 

  • Organizing files and backing up edited photos. 

6:00 PM - Planning Ahead 

  • Outlining the next day’s schedule and setting goals. 

  • Preparing for any upcoming shoots by checking weather forecasts and finalizing details with clients. 

7:00 PM - Relax and Recharge 

  • Enjoying dinner with family or friends. 

  • Relaxing with a good book, movie, or some music. 

  • Unwinding with a bit of personal time to recharge for the next day. 



Why the Behind-the-Scenes Work Matters 

All these behind-the-scenes activities are essential to delivering the best possible experience for my clients. Whether it's planning the perfect shoot, editing a stunning portrait, or staying connected with my audience, every task is a step towards creating beautiful memories and growing as a photographer. 

Thank you for joining me on this little behind-the-scenes tour! If you have any questions or want to know more about my process, feel free to leave a comment or reach out. And remember, the magic of photography happens both in front of and behind the camera. 



Until next time, 

Jennifer Palmer  
Aesthetic Portraits 



How to Decide on the Perfect Location for Your Portrait Session 


Photographing Cadence Baker’s first arena show.