A grain of sand

In a world that whirls in constant motion,

Where chaos reigns with unyielding devotion,

There lies a realm unseen by many eyes,

Where beauty dances, in whispers it lies.

For in the small details, a secret resides,

A hidden enchantment that often hides,

But those who seek with open hearts and minds,

Shall find the beauty that the world binds.

In a dewdrop clinging to a fragile leaf,

Reflecting sunlight with a shimmering belief,

A tiny universe, a world within a world,

A reminder of nature's wonders unfurled.

In the gentle touch of a feathered friend,

As it soars above, its wingspan to extend,

A fleeting moment, a connection so pure,

A glimpse of the beauty we often ignore.

In the intricate patterns on a butterfly's wing,

A kaleidoscope of colors, a delicate spring,

A masterpiece painted with utter precision,

A celebration of life's endless revision.

In the laughter of a child, so innocent and free,

A symphony of joy, an elated melody,

Their eyes aglow, filled with wonder and awe,

A reminder of life's magic we often withdraw.

In the delicate fragrance of a blooming flower,

A symphony of scents, a fragrant power,

Aromatic whispers carried by the breeze,

Inviting us to savor life's sweet tease.

In the gentle touch of a lover's hand,

A connection that words cannot understand,

A language spoken through fingers interlaced,

A love story written, time cannot erase.

So let us pause, and look beyond the grand,

To find beauty in details, like grains of sand,

For in these moments, life's treasures reside,

And in their embrace, our souls feel alive.


Capturing Life's Intricate Moments Through My Lens


Finding Confidence Behind the Camera: Embracing my Passion to Overcome Social Awkwardness